07 juin 2019

Things To Pack Once You Book Your Machu Picchu Tour Package

By Jessica Peterson

Machu Picchu is an incredibly town that now lies in ruins. It is quite a site to behold. In order to enjoy the amazing scenery, you need to be comfortable. Therefore, think carefully when packing up for your trip. Once you have confirmed your Machu Picchu tour package booking, then start putting together stuff for your trip. Here are the most important things that you should pack.

Your choice of footwear matters greatly. This is due to the fact that you will be walking around a lot during this trip. Some people prefer to trek to the site. In this case, you will have to walk for several days or a couple of hours to the site. It all depends on where you start trekking from. In addition, you will be hiking once you get to the site. The ground is rocky and there are lots of loose, small stones, so get shoes that have a firm grip and are comfortable to put on.

Comfort is key when selecting clothes. Dress according to the weather, based on whether you go during sunny season or rainy season. Keep in mind that you will also want to take photos, so choose clothes that will look good on you and match the background. Jeans can be a great choice of clothing, as you can wear it at anytime.

It can get chilly, even during warm months. Therefore, carry something warm to put on. It will most likely be cold, early in the morning, just before the sun is about to rise. Layer dressing would be ideal for this situation. Have a backpack, where you can put your clothes as you remove them, as the day get hotter. The backpack should be small or medium in size, as large backpacks are not allowed into the site.

You will find some books helpful during this trip. This includes a Latin America Spanish phrasebook. It can help you learn some Spanish phrases, which you can use when talking to the locals. A guidebook can also give you a map of the area. It will also list some activities that you can do, as part of your trek.

Don't forget to pack your medicines. In case you forget, you can buy some from local pharmacies, but you might need a prescription in some cases. In addition, bring altitude sickness tabs and motion sickness tabs. An insect repellent will help to keep away insects from you.

Remember to bring along a camera and a water bottle. The scenery is so beautiful, you will definitely want to take some photos. In addition, you need to stay hydrated, so carry some water in a water bottle. There are some water bottles that can keep water cool, which will be quite refreshing for you.

Bring along your toiletries. This includes things such as your toothbrush, comb and lip balm. In addition, pack up lip balm, face cream and wet wipes. You can buy these supplies from local shops in a town that is close to the ruins.

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