08 mai 2018

Tips In Taking Historical Cartagena Tours For You

By Brian Campbell

Right now as of this moment as you read this, you are planning a short vacation to Latin America and want to make the most of your say. Part of your itinerary includes Cartagena Columbia and you would want to know more of its history and such while you are there. Read on in this article to give you some tips and ideas when taking any of historical Cartagena tours available.

For these kind of tours, walking and riding is usually the thing. The best thing to do is to take a walking tour should your health hold up. This is because a riding tour may not be to your liking due to traffic snarls and the like and you have to get down and walk anyway periodically at the more interesting sites.

Three to four hours is usually the average time that these tours will take to complete, and this is usually for small groups of around four to ten people. These historical tours should include the major history landmarks of the city which should always include the religious landmarks of Santo Domingo Church and the convent of Santa Cartagena. It will of course also include a tour of the city walls, wherein you can also walk on its ramparts.

It is highly recommended that you bring a bottle or two of water and a lot of sunscreen as well. June to September are the more humid and hottest months. Although there is a year round chance of rain, the dry months are usually from the months of January to March. These dry months in the first quarter of the year are usually the time for a majority of festivals, so these months can also be officially the peak months where all prices will of course go up, and bookings more difficult.

It is also well advised that you choose a tour with a good tour guide. A good tour guide in this case will mean a certified and licensed bilingual tour guide. He or she should also be able to put a bit of his or her personality into the tour apart from just spouting out boring facts from a book, so as to make the experience more enjoyable.

Tours should also give you a chance to interact with locals, and do a bit of eating and shopping as well as part of the schedule. You should choose a tour that will not just rush through the entire process and make it feel that they are just rushing you to get rid of you. Get a tour that genuinely feels like it wants you to know more about the city and cannot wait to show as plenty of things as possible.

In some cases, you may not want to take a tour mixed in with other people, but one with only your group or family members. Special private tours can thus be arranged usually for groups of at least four, and this is ideal for small groups such as families or a group friends.

Thus this concludes our tips for taking a historical tour of Cartagena. IT may be wise to also visit forums that deal with the subject, and look for forum members who might have gone there and give you the details that you need also. This in effect will save you a lot of headaches and worry later on when you do finally go.

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