29 mai 2018

Getting Into The Swing Of Golf Cart Rental

By Matthew McDonald

People enjoy sports of all kinds. Some love the fast pace of basketball. Some people like the bone crunching violence of American football. Others prefer the excitement of real football. No matter what the game being played, the thrill and agony of athletic competition, of watching millionaires play against each other in a game with no actual stakes brings all kinds of people together. And then some people like golf, because it requires almost no amount of athletic ability, just a set of clubs, a country club membership, and a bill in a low denomination to tip the caddy. To navigate the course, golf cart rental Tybee is needed.

Golf is a pastime where a player swings a stick at a ball and hopes it goes into a hole some distance away. Wherever the ball lands, the player follows and swing their stick again to get the ball into the hole. So on and so forth until a set number of holes, usually about 18, has been played. Scores are tabulated by how many strokes it takes to get to the last one. The person with the lowest score wins.

Because of the time it takes to actually play a round, not to mention the space needed, the pastime of golf has a heavy socioeconomic image in the collective consciousness of society. The sport is seen as upper class, a game that the wealthy pay. Simply putting together a game can be expensive, because the best courses are privately owned clubs and the equipment does not come cheap, let alone the cost of a vehicle and a caddy.

Many business dealings are negotiated on a course. Players often have to be wealthy and wealthy people often make deals to stay wealthy or to get even wealthier. As such, it can be seen as ultimate expression of capitalism.

The sport is played on golf courses. The courses are vast seas of green grass, allowing for considerable distance between the holes. There are many obstacles on the grounds, like water features that may or may not contain alligators depending on the state and sand traps that make hard to tee off on a ball.

The golf cart is used to ferry players from the clubhouse to the teeing off grounds and then around the course proper. Not using one can lead to a significant amount of walking, with some courses totaling about five miles in total distance traveled just to play a game if a vehicle is not used. Once the game is done, the cart can be used to return to the clubhouse.

But country clubs are far from the only place that uses such vehicles. Private security personnel often use similar vehicles to get around quickly, especially in large area such as college campuses, certain government facilities, and airports.

Renting a vehicle is an easy task. Many clubs offer them up for rent and even require the use of them. Getting a private one requires going to a dealer.

The sport is seen as exclusive, and the places where it is played most definitely are. But the vehicles are a little more egalitarian. Anyone can drive a cart, not just golfers.

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