18 avril 2017

Everything You Need To Know About Bonefishing Cat Island Bahamas

By Brian Butler

If trout fishing is something that you should enjoy, chasing after bones is guaranteed to be fun. Bonefishing Cat Island Bahamas, however, can be infinitely more challenging and rewarding. These are among some of the smartest fish in the ocean which tends to make them very hard to real in. Moreover, you cannot fish for them like you fish for trout. Following are several tips that will help you get the best results when you head out onto the flats.

Fish don't seem like they have a keen sense of smell but bonefish certainly do. Before making any trip out onto the flats, pick up some loose rocks and sand off the ground and use it wash your hands. This will mask your odors and help you blend.

It is additionally important to avoid smoking, putting on cologne or washing with strongly scented soaps. The best clothing for these outings will also allow you to blend in with the scenery. Stick to soft, earthy tones, rather than wearing your big, Hawaiin print shirt.

Be sure to pack a pare of wading boots for this trip. In fact, before you head out, you also want to take some time to break these in. This is important for avoiding blisters and discomfort. Bonefish spook easily and you may have to spend a lot of time wading before you actually spot and land one.

Because these fish have metal like color, they tend to blend right in. Make sure that you are always paying attention to what your guide is telling you rather than paying attention to your own sight or intuition. Guides have spent a lot of time on the flats and they have a better eye for spotting the shiny, flashes of movement that you're looking for.

During their feeding times is the best time to try positioning your fly. Get this as close to their faces as possible because you definitely want the fish to see it. Once your fly reaches the flat bottom, try it around a bit. This causes the fly to appear as a shrimp that is in the middle of feeding and increases your likelihood of having the fly get picked up on.

It is additionally important to keep noise levels down while fishing for bones. These fish are smart, which how they get to be so big in the first place. If they think that anything is wrong at all, they will go swimming off in the other direction. Avoid making loud bumping sounds on the boat bottom or dropping and dragging heavy equipment. Keep in mind that wind directions often change in this environment. This means that you are going to have to alter your cast often in order to hit your target. Spend time casting into the wind and away from it before heading out.

You always have to be stealthy when bonefishing. Keeping quiet and blending in is important. This will allow you to sneak up on your prey and to actually bring a big bonefish in with you rather than having to go home disappointed and entirely empty handed.

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