01 janvier 2016

How To Visit A Retreat Northern California

By Raymond Brooks

One way in which Californians find rest and relaxation is at a local hot springs or resort. For others, a sacred or secular retreat northern California takes a more spiritual approach. As such, there are now a number of meditative and spiritual centers in the area. The most important aspect of any retreat being that one finds the experience enjoyable and enlightening.

While some retreats are based in religion, others are secular. Due to the number of Utopians, Zen masters, Swamis and Monks whom have purchased land over the last several decades, most have some spiritual aspect or element. In cases of religion or spiritual centers, most often these are in more secluded areas providing solace to those looking to escape the modern world.

In some areas, there are secular and spiritual centers devoted to teaching people how to clear the mind, meditate and search for spirit. There are others which work to help visitors achieve these goals through a number of guided meditations, workshops and yoga. With one of the most common of these centers being centered on diet, juicing, meditation and yoga.

One center located in Marin county offers a combination. In addition, the land hosts a community forest with trails. A number of individuals find that simply visiting the center and taking a hike provides the level solace sought. Whereas, at other times, individuals work toward goals with a guide, attending various seminars, services and workshops.

When visiting this retreat or others in different areas, it is always important to stay alert and aware when driving or hiking in the area. While the area boasts some of the most beautiful sights in the world, it also plays home to a variety of wildlife. As such, whether to spot out a beautiful bear, bird, deer or mountain lion, or to avoid hitting an animal in the road, always having eyes on the road or trail is often a good way to do both.

The area, home to some of the most stunning countryside, views and active wildlife is often considered one of the most beautiful areas in the world. Surrounding the acreage are the Point Reyes National Seashore to the west, and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area which almost serves as a moat to the retreat center.

Whether sacred or secular, these retreats offer the public a more exalted awareness and state of being that is quieter and purer than everyday life. While some centers charge a nominal fee, others do not. There are also those which offer overnight camping or lodging and meals for which there is often a charge, even at those which do not require an entry fee.

While most residents in the area have adapted to the retreat center, others wish the land would become a state or national park. It is doubtful that this will ever be the case as it seems the owners have no intention of selling. Ultimately, most residents are satisfied as if not for the center, the area would most likely now be a subdivision with housing rather than a place of quiet reflection.

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