24 septembre 2015

Experiencing Balloon Flights In Colorado

By Della Monroe

The activity of flying or cruising in a balloon is called ballooning. The three main things that make it more popular are the quietness of the flight, the beautiful view and the lack of feeling of movement. The latter can be attributed to the fact that the aircraft moves into the direction of the wind and the passenger can only feel movements when entering different currents. Balloon flights in Colorado are definitely a must try out activity for everyone.

Piloting this balloon requires some effort mainly licensing and availability of equipment and is the reason why many people prefer to purchase a flight from companies that offer such rides. These rides can be enjoyed in various parts across the world but are mainly popular in areas that are most frequented by tourists.

If you are scared of heights, then the balloon festival is the best place to enjoy watching them fly close up and one can even make it a family activity. Other things that also take place at the festivals include amusement rides and various types of entertainment. These vessels are famous for their extreme heights and the highest height ever reached is 21,290 meters.

The vessel has to have additional supply of oxygen for the people on board like all other unpressured aircrafts especially if it will reach and exceed a height of 3,180 meters. All launching activities usually take place during cool hours such as at dusk and at dawn. The reason for this being, the winds are lighter then which is good for the launching and flying as well.

Another hindrance to piloting is the air currents known as thermals that are brought about by heating of the ground and they can be controlled by ensuring the right time of launching is adhered to. In some instances this phenomenon can force down a balloon by affecting its climb ability. Prior to a flight, the pilot should confirm that the weather is suitable and locate a take-off point.

This point of take-off must be spacious enough to allow for the lay out and inflation of the envelope as well as be clear of obstructions such as trees, power lines and buildings. The weather must have good visibility and the winds should be slow to facilitate take off. The point should also be located such that the winds will move it to the direction of the expected landing site.

The set up involves unpacking the balloon from its bag, spreading it out on the ground and making a connection of the basket and burner to it. A fan is usually used to blow in cold air into it to achieve its basic shape before the burner is used to heat the air. One member of this crew holds a rope that is connected to the apex of this balloon to prevent it from swaying and launching prematurely.

The direction of these flights is mostly determined by the wind and the altitude can be manipulated by making changes to the temperature of the air inside the envelope. A number of balloonists prefer to be followed by a vehicle to the point of landing which will facilitate their return to the launching point. Communication between the two is mainly done through shouting and radio.

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