26 septembre 2015

An Outlook Of Tourism In Hotel Manuel Antonio Costa Rica

By Della Monroe

Costa Rica has experienced tremendous development in the tourism industry and just two decades ago, they were among the top tourism economies in the world. The outcome has been economic growth because a lot of foreign exchange is earned. This country also has other economic activities such as commercial crop production. Their gross domestic product has rose due to tourism activities that take place there. The citizens on the other hand have been employed in various business ventures thus an improvement in their livelihood. This article is based on an outlook of tourism in hotel Manuel Antonio Costa Rica.

During ancient times, this practice was at its budding stage. It took about thirty years for it to gain worldwide acclaim and this is because the environment was very favorable for most tourism activities. The need to incorporate environmental issues in human activities also rose during this time. The environment constitutes both living and non living components that entirely depend on one another for survival. Just like other coastal zones, islands exhibit warm temperatures throughout the year. There is an ecosystem in this area comprising of ocean animals and plants too.

Ecotourism refers to tourism activities that are focused in preserving environmental resources. Individuals who indulge in ecotourism practices are nature enthusiasts and their focal destination points are wildlife and cultural areas. Adventure purposes also facilitate the movement of people from one country to the other.

The services offered by most tourist resort facilities are relatively expensive because their demand has increased over the years. The national tourism board has also contributed to this by charging extra fees. This taxation initiative has translated to infrastructural development within the country. Water transport is also used by travel enthusiasts and this is why a port was constructed.

There are various reasons why people inhabit a new geographical area. These reasons are greatly affected by their individual perspectives and choices. There are tourists who visit new places strictly for business purposes and this can be through meetings conducted with prospective clients within the region. On the other hand, there are individuals whose sole purpose is entertainment because they usually visit during vacations.

The sunny weather and sandy beaches are other attraction sites found in this island. Most people, who visit coastal areas during vacations, enjoy the warm weather. The sandy beaches are also favorable grounds for relaxation and other sporting activities such as ball games. The combination of these two attributes ensures that tourists experience maximum satisfaction whenever they visit. The shore lines are ecosystems accommodating living creatures such as crabs and lobsters.

Development of tourism in the country is facilitated by a national tourism board. This authority oversees all tourism related processes from income generation to activities that people indulge in. They also formulate policies aimed at governing this sector.

As discussed above, for an area to be favorable for tourist inhabitation, it must have certain distinct attributes. These attributes in the long run determine the number of people who will be visiting the area for a given amount of time.

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