20 août 2015

The Reason For SHTF Gear Should Be Obvious

By Ruthie Livingston

When the brown human waste reaches the rotating blades of the room cooling device, you know it. Many people, called preppers, will warn you about what this represents. Many will say that it will be a foreign invasion. Others will relax that definition and include such natural disasters as floods and massive power outages, or, some still hold to this, zombies in the immediate area. Before any of these things actually occur, it is a good idea to plan what kind of SHTF gear you are going to want and need.

The first, rather obvious, thing you will need is a replacement for the home that you have had to leave. A suitable plan, before everything breaks down, will help you understand surviving in the wild. Preppers will often create a fortified compound out of the house they currently have so as to make it safe and secure as they go into the dangerous times.

Since anything disastrous enough to get you out of your house is serious, the need to find shelter is just as serious. A bug out or SHTF bag has enough stuff to last about three days. The occurrences that are being talked about will last longer than that. Nothing can be left as an afterthought.

The amount, type, size and configuration of your specific survival gear will depend, largely, on the number of people in your party. You do have to deal with a shelter and it should be on high ground. It will help immensely if it is secured against the weather and possible breaches.

You will need to become self sufficient. This means you may need the gear to keep yourself in electricity. This could mean a gas generator or, learn to do without electricity and get your heat from fireplace or pit. The Internet, during a wide spread disaster of the type being discussed, probably will not be there anyway. Part of the gear you need will be repair manuals for everything you have.

Public transportation probably is not available. True preppers have a large vehicle, already prepared and maintained so it will not break down easily. A repair manual, for the specific year, should be in the survival kit. Failing a motorized vehicle, because after a fairly short amount of time, there may not be gas, a large trailer or wagon, pulled by people or animals is the next best.

The subject of security should never be far from your mind as you are going through these preparations. Knifes, certainly, need to be accumulated, sharpened and handy. Guns are, sometimes, a necessity and should still be handled safely. Plenty of ammunition can be hoarded before there is a real need for them and stored carefully. For those occasions, such as the foreign invasion or zombies, make sure you have a reloading station set up and you will rarely be out of ammunition.

Regardless of the type, amount and configuration of this gear, you need to safeguard it from others. When these problems, occur, everyone in impacted. Many of them will be after whatever they can find to enable themselves to survive, much like you will. The key to surviving is using what you have and not giving it away for any inadequate amount.

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