30 avril 2015

Learning To Pet A Tiger

By Alta Alexander

It is usually out of the norm to find an individual having a tiger as a pet, this is because despite the fact that the tiger is an exaggerated oversize cat it is a huge deviation from the norm in the society but the deviation does not stop the owner from seeing the beauty that it has and him or she wanting to pet a tiger.

The tiger is a very intelligent animal and its more intelligent than both the domestic cat and dog which are our common pets. Its intelligence tends to work to its own advantage in nature and if this intelligence is enhanced and taped at an early age the big cats can be trained to follow commands just like all the other domestic pets we commonly know but with a greater amount of strength.

Tigers are known to form excellent service guard animal just like the dog but on a whole new different perspective without the constant barking but with high precision protection. These they achieve through their instinct which is natured toward being highly territorial. They guard their territories with so much vigor that in case any animal or unknown individual crosses into the territory they attack.

Even in captivity tigers do not to lose their killer instincts, this instinct they use for their upkeep despite the situation in captivity. They are known to practice and sharpen their skills with anything they can lay their paws on. Some cases have been recorded whereby they pounce on their owners just as a way of practice.

Tigers are naturally solitary animals, and even in the wild they live alone until it reaches the time to mate at around this time the females and male tigers meet up and at other instances of meeting the meet up usually results into fierce battles. In captivity the tigers have been recorded to kill even fellow smaller animals that at times they were brought up with and even played with when they were cubs.

At whatever age they may be, be it a cub to an alpha male, their maintenance is costly, it is expensive because the cat does not eat regular cat food neither does it thrive on little meat, so the pet owner must be able to maintain a constant healthy diet for the tiger to be in optimum shape and sound health.

Tigers are solitary animals and in captivity they still do not like so much company they trust only very few individuals in most cases only two people and in case they are not present to feed them they will not take food from strangers thus they starve until the person they trust feeds them and in case they are not present they starve to death.

In case they are put in as pets then later on in its life it is sent back to the wild while it was not taught to hunt they are known to hunt humans since they form an easy target. This is naturally what animals do in order to survive which in this case does not need training but just their instinct.

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