23 février 2015

Jougla Point In Antarctica

By Jonny Blair

Antarctica is absolutely mind blowing and I ended up in some random parts of it, none more peculiar than the marvellous Jougla Point! This little haven in unknown and a land of merely snow. It's on Goudier Island and the main attraction is...penguins. Yes these creatures love life on this remote peninsula! []

This place reminded me that travel is all about new places and amazing experiences and in this marvellous wonderland I was miles from busy office blocks! The commerical world is locked away from your mind as you wake up to a land of snowfall, blizzards, penguins and sublime wilderness. Quite amazing!

Opposite Jougla Point sits the British Antarctic Base of Port Lockroy, which I was eagerly awaiting. Rather than have Jougla merely passed off as a stepping stone to Port Lockroy, however this place also left a lasting impression on the travelling Northern Irishman. Penguins slid down hills in this remote terrain as nonchalant as you like!

Before arrival at Jougla Point, we spent the night docked in the harbour nearby - at Goudier Island. Our ship was the red MS Expedition, used for a lot of Antarctica trips these days. It was great staring out the window at the epic views before bed and then getting up early to land at this place.

There was a sense of magic in the air when a snowstorm greeted our departure from the ship and over to the small Jougla Point. This is the adjacent island to Port Lockroy, the British Base. []

There were lots of penguins at this remote location, you've kind of got to expect that when you're in Antarctica!! I got a few close up photos of a Gentoo penguin.

Jougla Point was probably our quickest and shortest Antarctica landing. It was all quite surreal and I'd give a lot to be standing back there right now in a blizzard miles from civilisation.

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